Admission Requirements

A candidate for admission to the Executive Development Institute for Community Bankers® must be an employee of a taxable, FDIC-insured financial institution where the applicant is a full-time employee or someone whom the institution’s board of directors has identified as a C-level candidate.

How to Apply

Cohort sizes are limited to 15 participants, and enrollments are assigned in the order in which applications are received.

Please submit your interest to be among the first candidates vetted to begin the program in October 2024.

  1. Complete the online application (linked below)
  2. Compile the following supplementary materials:
    • A copy of applicant’s most recent resumé
    • A copy of the institution’s organizational chart
    • A brief, written statement describing the following (two-page limit):
      • Summary of role and responsibilities
      • Personal and professional development goals
      • Expectations of the program

Apply Now

Non-Competing Institutions Disclaimer

Due to small class sizes and nature of peer group interactions, multiple banks from the same competitive trade area will not be admitted to the same cohort of the Executive Development Institute for Community Bankers. Applications will be processed in the order in which they are received; early enrollment is advised.

GSBC administration reserves the right to request an interview with qualified candidates at its discretion. Admission decisions will be made within two to four weeks of receipt of application. Applicants will be notified by email of acceptance decisions.


Tuition & Fees

EDI Cohort 11 Tuition: $7,975

EDI Cohort 12 Tuition (April 2024): $8,175 per session

EDI Cohort 13 Tuition (October 2024): $8,410 per session

A $500 non-refundable deposit is due at time of application. Tuition includes all course materials, executive coaching, mentoring, hotel and some meals. Payment is due 90 days prior to the start of each session.

If you are a current EDI participant and want to pay your next session’s tuition, do so here:

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Upcoming Program Dates

Cohorts meet for four in-person sessions. Upcoming session dates are as follows:

  • October 20-23, 2024 (Cohort 13 begins)
  • April 13-16, 2025
  • October 19-22, 2025 (Cohort 14 begins)
  • April 12-15, 2026
  • October 18-21, 2026
  • April 11-14, 2027

Refund Policy

A student who withdraws from the program will incur the following cancellation fees: If the withdrawal occurs within five weeks prior to the start of the session, one-half of the tuition will be retained. If withdrawal occurs within two weeks prior to the start of the session, all of the session tuition will be retained.

If tuition is deferred to a future session, it must be used by the student or sponsoring institution within three years. Any deferred tuition not used within three years will be refunded to the payee. If the payee cannot be located, the funds become the property of GSBC.

GSBC does not discriminate among applicants on the basis of race, religion, sex, national or ethnic origin, disability or age.