Daniel Schwartz is the director of policy development at the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS). In this role, he engages with state and federal regulators on policy and coordinated supervision issues. He supports state representatives on the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council and Financial Stability Oversight Council. Issues of focus include community banking, consumer compliance and fair lending, small dollar lending and marijuana banking. Daniel has a B.A. from the George Washington University and has worked at CSBS since 2011.
Coming from the regulatory perspective, the opportunity to interact with community bankers from across the country over three years was an incredibly impactful professional development experience. My time at GSBC continues to benefit me in my work every day. As an alumni ambassador, I hope to serve as a bridge between the regulatory and banking communities and encourage others to engage in the dialogue that makes GSBC so great.
Are you a regulator interested in learning more about GSBC? Request Daniel’s contact information.