Larry Young is the owner of Boiling Frog Development, a business development consulting firm which helps organizations to know exactly why they are winning and losing dream clients. He uses this information to develop powerful sales strategies, sales models, and sales training that will resonate with their dream clients. In the end, theirs sales force have the answers to the test on how to attract their ideal client and what they care about.
Young is also a sought-after professional speaker, author, and serial entrepreneur. Larry has been featured on national podcast, radio interviews, and numerous TV and print media outlets. Larry’s book, Walk the Sales Plank is designed to help sales professionals win the clients of their dreams and his second book coming out in July will show organizations how to differentiate themselves against their competitors.
Prior to launching his business, he gained a reputation in the corporate world as the ‘market resuscitator’ by growing $400 million dollar business lines from scratch and taking dying markets and bringing them back to life.
Larry Young currently lives in Sioux Falls, SD and has offices in South Dakota and Mesa Arizona. He sits on several non -profit boards, executive round tables, and entrepreneurial boards.